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By Brendan O'Hallarn

The world of research isn't glamorous.

For 布莱克斯坦纳, 他将于5月6日从最靠谱的网赌软件毕业并获得生物学学位, RESEARCH意味着午夜后从一个会议的飞机上下来,第二天一大早就到诺福克植物园去记录观察结果.

It means missing out on social opportunities, 花周末时间分析数据或撰写RESEARCH结果——这些材料甚至不能帮助他通过任何一门课. 这需要一个特别积极的学生在本科时期投入RESEARCH. Motivation isn't a challenge for 布莱克斯坦纳.

“我喜欢这个,”斯坦纳说,他被刺鼻的香气和植物样品包围着 & Phyllis Kaplan Orchid Conservatory. "I feel so fortunate for the opportunities I have been given."

Most of those opportunities arose through hustle. 作为一名从潮水Community学院转来的学生,他原本想成为一名工程师, Steiner looked up faculty members doing research that interested him. 然后主动拜访他们,询问他如何能加入他们的项目.

"本科 students just don't do this," said Tatyana Lobova, senior lecturer of biological sciences and one of Steiner's mentors. "He has been brave enough to just go and talk to different faculty."

Two years later, Steiner is not only graduating with honors; he also has worked actively on research with faculty members in two academic colleges - Lobova and Sandeep Kumar, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering.

Steiner has made five research presentations at four different events, 在今年4月的弗吉尼亚大学荣誉委员会会议上获得了最佳演讲奖. 斯坦纳也是唯一的本科生谁提出了两个非常不同的项目在老自治州的本科生RESEARCH研讨会在二月.

"I was in engineering my first year at TCC. I thought it was the quickest way to get a job and make money,施泰纳说, 22, who is from Chesapeake. "But when I took biology, I really found my passion. I want to do research that helps protect the environment."

At Old Dominion, 他与Lobova合作进行一个物候学项目,该项目自2009年以来一直在诺福克植物园开展. 物候学是RESEARCH动植物的周期和季节生命阶段的学科.

Lobova的RESEARCH, one of the first launched on the East Coast, tracks natural markers like the first bloom of particular plants, 然后将这些信息与诺福克国际机场国家海洋和大气管理局的天气数据进行交叉比对, looking for evidence of plant behavior being altered by climate change. She said Steiner has been a motivated research assistant.

“我们需要学生学会像真正的科学家那样思考,”Lobova说. “很难找到像布莱克那样有良好分析思维能力的大学生."

Steiner also works in the biofuels lab directed by Kumar, 巴顿工程技术学院能源集群的领导者.

He presented research in Salt Lake City in early 4月, RESEARCH利用游离氨来减少藻类培养中浮游动物的数量. If not controlled, the tiny organisms can eat away at the algae mass, 减少了可用于制造环保燃料的产量.

库马尔对斯坦纳的勤奋留下了深刻的印象,因为他曾与博士一起工作.D. student Caleb Talbot. “布莱克是一名自我激励、充满激情的本科生RESEARCH员,他不害怕采取额外的步骤,学习新事物以保持领先地位,他说.

In addition to the free ammonia study, 斯坦纳曾协助库马尔的“国家科学基金会职业RESEARCH项目”,并在他处理的项目中表现出色,库马尔说。.

斯坦纳正在寻找一份RESEARCH实习工作,他计划申请RESEARCH生院. 他希望找到更多的方法将他对生物学的热爱与其他学科结合起来.

"For many of the students in the program, the goal is to go into medicine, which is an excellent field,施泰纳说. “我希望更多地参与环境问题,帮助拯救地球."

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